Why Insurers Hire Private Investigators After Florida Truck Crashes

After a Florida car accident or truck accident, many drivers assume that they are covered by insurance and that the insurance carrier they have been paying premiums to all along will help them. Many Florida truck accident victims are surprised to find, however, that insurance companies actually often launch private investigations on the victims in traffic accidents. These insurance companies are looking for several things:

1) Mitigating factors and other liable parties. Insurance companies would not make money if they paid out the full possible claim amount to every claimant. Therefore, many companies look for other possible liable parties – such as road conditions or even the victim.

2) Evidence of insurance fraud. Insurance fraud is a serious problem and unfortunately, it can mean that the industry sometimes suspects legitimate claimants. Some injury victims find themselves under surveillance by private investigators as insurance companies try to determine whether a claimant is faking or exaggerating an injury.

3) More information about the accident. Insurance companies, like police and other investigators, work hard to determine the cause of an accident. Unlike other investigators, however, private investigators hired by insurance companies are paid to find information which is advantageous to the insurer.

4) The cost of damages. One of the tasks of the insurance company is to determine the value of a claim – the amount that will be paid out to the victims in an accident. In many cases, however, these initial amounts cover only the bare necessities of care. Most of the time, Florida personal injury attorneys need to work hard to ensure that a victim has all medical costs and related accident expenses covered.

If you have been in a Florida truck accident, don’t sign away your rights. Contact the Flaxman Law Group to set up a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your options and your case. With law offices in Miami, Homestead, and Hollywood, the Flaxman Law Group is happy to serve the South Florida community.