Level Crossings and Safety

Train crossings pose a special risk for cars. Each year, car and train accidents in South Florida and across the nation cause devastating injuries to passengers. Smaller vehicles simply have no chance against a large train, and in many cases trains cannot stop in time to avoid a disaster. This type of collision is highly likely to result in fatalities, so you will want to follow these tips to stay safe:

  • Be prepared to stop when you’re approaching a train crossing. You will see signs for crossing well ahead of time. Be sure to drive at a speed so you can stop if you need to.
  • Always check before crossing a railroad track, even if the lights or other safety systems aren’t engaged. Alert systems are supposed to tell you when a train is coming, but do check to make sure the way is clear.
  • If the warning systems are activated at a railway crossing, come to a stop unless it is unsafe to do so. Train crossing may use lights, barriers, alarms, or a combination of devices to let you know when a train is coming. Unless you cannot stop safely, always come to a complete stop.
  • Do not attempt to cross the crossing when lights are activated or other systems are activated, even if it seems safe to do so. Once a train has passed by, it can be tempted to cross the tracks. However, if the alerts are still in place, do not do so. There may be another train coming or the train you have just seen may be backing up. Remain stopped until you get the all-clear.
  • Always check both ways before proceeding after the alert systems have been deactivated. This will ensure the roadway is clear and safe to proceed.
  • Keep in mind that whether you are a pedestrian or driver, trains can be dangerous. Never walk on train tracks or try to race across a track in your car. Even if you think you have plenty of time to get across, trains move very quickly and it only takes a second to cause a tragedy.

If you have been injured at a train track, contact a train accident attorney in Hollywood. If the train company did not take proper precautions in using levels, alarms, lights, or other signals or if there was inadequate signage to keep you safe, you may have a claim. Over the past few years, there have also been some successful claims in cases where a conductor was distracted or failed to operate a train safely.

In the aftermath of a train accident, it may not be clear what cause the accident. That’s why you need to contact a Hollywood train accident lawyer you walk you through the claims process. You can always contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) if you have been injured and would like to speak to a personal injury attorney in a free accident consultation.