Losing a Loved one in a Florida Truck Accident

There is nothing more devastating about Florida truck accidents than the high fatality rate these accidents cause. Florida truck accidents often make the news because the sheer force and size of commercial truck accidents often cause dramatic, devastating accidents. These types of accidents claim lives every day, devastating families. If your family has suffered this type of loss, the Flaxman Law Group would like to extend our condolences. In our experience with grieving families, we have found that families who have lost a loved one in a traffic accident may wish to:

1) Take care of themselves and their family. If you have lost a loved one, there are likely many people touched by the loss. Working together as a family and grieving together can help everyone heal.

2) Secure their future. If there are children involved, especially, safeguarding their future is often a family’s main concern. Unfortunately, when children lose a parent or family member, they lose support and also financial stability. Seeking a Florida wrongful death suit, if appropriate, after an accident can help children secure the financial resources needed for counseling and for a bright future. Working with a Florida personal injury attorney can be one way to ensure that children’s futures are secured.
3) Get answers. After a truck accident, there are often many questions. A family may wish to know what caused the accident and whether it could have been prevented, for example. Answering these questions is often important in order for a family to get much-needed closure. Answering these questions can also help a family secure a fairer settlement, which can help the family pay for memorial services.

4) Make a difference. Although a truck accident fatality is tragic, many families do want to create some good, in order to commemorate a loved one. There are many ways to do this. Some families contribute to a charitable cause, for example, while other families become tireless advocates of road safety, raising awareness to prevent other tragedies.

5) Focus on healing. All families need to focus on healing and moving forward after a devastating loss. Unfortunately, there is often much to do after a loss. Families may need to settle an estate, plan a memorial service, deal with insurance carriers, and answer police questions about the accident. Working with a good Florida attorney can help. A full service law firm such as the Flaxman Law Group, for example, is dedicated to helping injured victims and families every step of the way.

If you need a qualified attorney after the loss of a loved one or after a Florida truck accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group to arrange for a free accident consultation to discuss your case. The compassionate legal team at our offices in Miami, Homestead, and Hollywood can help you understand your rights and options, so that you can make the right decisions for you and your family as you start to heal. The Flaxman Law Group legal team has already helped thousands of personal injury victims and we are proud to serve the entire South Florida community.