May Can be a Dangerous Time for Teen Miami Car Accidents
May is a hectic time for many young drivers, as schools host proms, graduations, and other spring events to mark the end of the year. For new drivers, these events can mean hazards that can lead to a Miami car accident. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that summer is the deadliest season for teenage drivers, and car accidents are still the leading cause of fatalities for the age groups. According to NHTSA, over 5000 teenagers across the country die in car accidents each year. Each month in the summer, an average of 422 teens are killed in car accidents, compared with an average of 363 teens killed in months during the other seasons.
There are many reasons why summer can be an especially dangerous time of year for teen drivers. One is that events such as prom, summer road trips, and graduation mean that teens are likely to drive with passengers at this time of year. However, according to the the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, teen drivers are more likely to be in car accidents when they have multiple car passengers. Passengers are also at risk, according to the organization, since two out of three teens killed in car crashes involving a teen driver were passengers in the car at the time of the crash.
There are other reasons why summertime driving can be dangerous for teens. With school winding down, teens may spend more time on the road. In addition, many summertime events include alcohol. Even though teen drivers in Florida need to maintain a zero blood alcohol level, Miami drunk driving accidents are still a major problem for the age group, with some teens making poor choices about drinking and driving.
In addition, new drivers may not have developed the good driving habits – such as checking blind spots – that help prevent Miami truck accidents and car accidents. Some studies suggest that new drivers and teen drivers are more likely than older drivers to engage in risky behaviors such as texting and driving.
There are many things that parents and families can do to help their teen drivers stay safe during the summer. Perhaps the most important thing to do is to sit down with a teen driver and set some ground rules about driving. Parents may wish to set rules about texting and driving or driving with too many passengers. Parents can also help by ensuring that their teens have adequate driver training (and additional training, if needed) to stay safe on the roads.
The Flaxman Law Group is a full-service South Florida law firm with offices in Homestead, Hollywood, and Miami. In addition to representing clients from all walks of life in Miami personal injury and car accident cases, the firm strives to offer assistance and compassionate support for every client. The legal team at the Flaxman Law Group has successfully worked with thousands of South Florida personal injury clients. For more information, contact the Flaxman Law Group today. The Flaxman Law Group is pleased to offer a free, no obligation consultation for all new clients, so contact the firm today to arrange for your consultation.