Would You Be Prepared for a Trucking Accident?

No one expects to be in a trucking accident in Hollywood or their community. Yet, every day these types of traffic collision change the lives of injured individuals and their families. Trucking crashes cause not only painful injuries and long recovery times, but in many cases these types of accidents also cause financial distress as well as anxiety, depression, and general upset. How prepared you are for this type of life-changing collision depends on your answers to a few questions:

1) Do you have a good doctor and adequate medical coverage?

Having a good family doctors means that you have someone overseeing your care. If you are in a serious traffic collision near your Hollywood home or while traveling, you may be rushed to the nearest emergency room. Your follow-up care, however, will often involve your family doctor and having someone you trust by your side can help.


To pay for the high costs of medical care after a serious injury, you will also want to have good medical insurance. Whether your employer pays for your insurance as part of a benefits package or you have private insurance, review your coverage regularly to make sure you are getting the best benefits for your premiums.

2) Do you have insurance?

Having disability insurance, car insurance, and other types of coverage can help you offset some of the costs of being in a serious traffic accident. In addition to paying your premiums on time and ensuring that you are covered, read your policies to ensure that you understand what is covered.

3) Do you have an attorney?

Even if you have excellent insurance, keep in mind that the claims process can be complicated. Even if you have been loyally paying premiums for years, this does not guarantee that an insurance carrier won’t undervalue your claim or even dismiss your claim. Before you accept any insurance money, it is a good idea to get legal advice from a personal injury attorney.

4) Are your finances in good shape?

If you are living paycheck to paycheck, injuries and the resulting loss of income and medical bills could create a real financial burden. Working to pay down debts and establish an emergency fund can help you prepare for any emergency, including a serious injury or illness.

5) Do you have a written financial preparedness plan in place?

Just like you should have a fire escape plan for your house, you should also have a financial preparedness plan written down. Financial experts recommend that this plan has step-by-step instructions about which luxuries and non-necessities to cut from your budget immediately. It should also include details about what you can do to reduce spending and protect your credit rating.

6) Do you have a system of support?

Serious injuries can be emotionally devastating. You will need a network of support that might include family and friends or a support group. This network can help you through the inevitable ups and downs of the healing process.

If you have been injured in a commercial trucking accident, you deserve support and assistance. Before you make any decisions, get free legal advice by contacting Flaxman Law Group for a free case consultation. Our caring staff can tell you whether you have a claim and can point you to local resources in Hollywood or your area. If you work with Flaxman Law Group on your claim, we can handle all the details of your case so that you can focus fully on your recovery.