Preventing Fourth of July Injuries

Fourth of July festivities are just around the corner, and we at Flaxman Law Group want to wish everyone a terrific long weekend. Before we start celebrating, however, fire stations, police and emergency departments are all preparing for a busy weekend. Each Fourth of July weekend, people are seriously injured.

Here’s how you can stay safe:

  • Review your fire safety plans. Holiday weekends can mean cookouts, fireworks, and firepits. They can also mean preparing meals with friends, which can mean you’re distracted when you should be watching the cooking. All of these situation can lead to fires and burn injuries. To stay safe, check the batteries on your smoke detector and always cook with your full attention and with a focus on safety.
  • Decorate safely. If you’re buying décor for the holiday, check for any sharp edges or any loose wiring on electronic decorations. Buy from reputable sellers and check for wear and tear before using. If you’re using candles as part of your décor, use flameless versions.
  • Use caution if alcohol is part of your plans. Drinking can affect your judgement and your motor skills, which can lead not only to drunk driving accidents but falls and other problems. Drinking can even make you more vulnerable when it comes to muggings and crime by making you seem like an easy victim. Whether you plan to drink or not, have a few plans in place to get home safely.
  • Be smart about pools and boating. If you want to spend time on the water, make sure you do so sober and use every precaution to stay safe. That means never swimming or boating alone and always wearing a life vest if you’re on a boat. If you have a pool area, keep it locked and protected with an alarm.
  • Be fireworks smart. Fireworks can cause serious burn, eye, and facial injuries. The safest way to see a fireworks display is to go to a public show, where professionals will be handling the details. If you decide to set off some fireworks yourself, buy your firecrackers from reputable brands and sellers and be sure to follow all directions for safe use carefully. Keep fireworks locked away far from where children can access them.

What Should I Do If I Sustain a Fourth of July Injury?

There are many ways you could be injured. An unsafe firecracker can cause damage to your hands or a poor crowd control at a public event can cause you to fall and sustain fractures or head injuries. Unfortunately, each year too many people are injured by DUI car collisions. If you’ve been injured due to someone’s negligence, Florida law allows you to seek compensation so you can pay for medical treatment, replace lost wages, and take care of additional costs related to your injury.

If you have been injured and aren’t sure if you have a case, call Flaxman Law Group at 866-352-9626. Our phone lines are staffed 24/7 every day, including the Fourth of July, so you can always speak to a live person to schedule a free, no obligation consultation with an attorney. You can also contact us online to set up your consultation.