Preventing Florida Truck Crashes Helps Companies Save Money

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), preventing trucking accidents is not just good common sense – it’s good business sense. According to the FMSCA, following best practices and improving safety rules helps truck companies and carriers reduce the costs of accidents and helps keep insurance costs down. Poor safety, according to the FMSCA, means poor branding, difficulty finding great drivers, discord in the community, and other costs that can hurt the profit margin.

According to the FMSCA, the average cost of a fatal truck accident involving a large commercial truck is $3.6 million. Commercial truck accidents involving personal injuries average $200 000 each. All truck accidents have an average cost of $91 000 per collision. When everyone works together to prevent truck accidents, everyone wins. According to the FMSCA, there are many things carriers can do to prevent collisions:

1) Ensure that drivers do not speed. The FMSCA reports that up to 22% of commercial truck crashes involving multiple vehicles were related to speeding. In fact, many Florida car accidents and truck accidents are caused by speeding. Quite simply, when truck drivers speed, they often cannot stop in time to prevent an accident. Carriers can help by enforcing penalties for drivers that speed.

2) Enforce a zero-tolerance no-drugs and no-alcohol policy. Just like Florida drunk driving accidents are a terrible tragedy and 100% preventable, DUI truck accidents are a serious concern. According to the FMSCA, about 0.2% of commercial truck drivers used alcohol and 2% used controlled substances while on the job in 2003.

3) Enforce rules that require truck drivers to get adequate rest. According to the FMSCA, up to 5.5% of truck accidents that result in a fatality are caused by fatigued drivers. Carriers can help by ensuring that drivers can get adequate rest and still meet prescribed deadlines.

4) Find and keep good drivers. Studies have linked high driver turnover to a higher instance of truck accidents, according to the FMSCA. Companies who hire qualified drivers and work to retain those drivers have to spend less on training, recruiting, and hiring and can enjoy knowing that their workforce is stable. Good pay, good benefits, and a good working environment can all help attract and retain great drivers.

If you have been in a Florida truck accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group, the compassionate and experienced legal team for Miami, Homestead, Hollywood, and the entire South Florida area. Call today to discuss your case in a free, no-obligation consultation with our qualified legal team.