What to Do When You See an Unsafe Florida Truck Driver

If you are sharing the road with trucks as a motorist, there are times when you may see unsafe drivers on the road operating large commercial trucks. Unsafe drivers can cause serious Florida truck accidents, but if you notice a driver who does not appear to be safe, there are several things you can do:

1) Learn to recognize the signs of an unsafe driver. Unsafe truck drivers speed, drive erratically, weave, or gesture and yell aggressively. They may drive past red lights or otherwise ignore traffic signals and signs or may make obvious mistakes on the road.

2) Get out of the way. Your first priority is to stay safe. That means remaining calm and getting plenty of distance from the truck. Avoid engaging the driver in any yelling or shouting or exchange of gestures; that can make an aggressive driver even more aggressive.

3) Get the details. If you have a passenger in the car with you, ask them to take down the details of the truck, such as the license plate number, any identifying details, the time and location, and a description of the truck driver. Do not get too close to the truck to get these details – they are not worth an accident. If there is no one in the car with you, pull over to write down the details.

4) Call police. If the driver is in imminent danger of causing an accident or if you believe that the driver is drunk, call police immediately; you may be helping to stop a Florida drunk driving accident. Reporting a dangerous driver can help ensure that others are not harmed by his or her recklessness.

5) Report the driver to the FMCSA. There are rules in place to keep unsafe drivers off the roads. You can call the Safety Violation Hotline, created by The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), to report unsafe bus and truck drivers. The number is 1-888-368-7238. Many trucks also have the phone numbers of their carriers listed right on the truck. You can call the carrier to report an unsafe driver as well.

If you have been injured in a Florida truck accident, contact the law offices of the Flaxman Law Group in Miami, Homestead, and Hollywood. The Flaxman Law Group has already helped thousands of victims across South Florida and has extensive trial and insurance negotiation experience. Call today to arrange for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case.