Preventing RV Accidents and Florida Truck Accidents
RV enthusiasts may have more in common with truck drivers than they realize. Although many people consider RVs (recreational vehicles) to be simply large vehicles, they in fact handle in many ways like a truck. Like a truck, RVs take longer to brake, are heavier, and have more blind spots than traditional vehicles. Sharing the road with trucks in an RV is even riskier and can lead to Florida truck accidents.
If you are considering renting or buying an RV this summer, consider these tips from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to stay safe on the roads:
1) Be ready to stop at all times. Like trucks, RVs take longer to stop due to their size and weight. Leave yourself lots of extra room in front of you when driving in an RV to prevent Florida truck accidents. If you are driving behind a truck, keep in mind that the truck also takes longer to stop, so leave plenty of space. If you are in a passenger car behind an RV, treat the vehicle as you would any large truck and give yourself extra room.
2) Be aware of the blind spots. Keep in mind that RVs have lots of blind spots. Familiarize yourself with them and use signals as well as mirrors to compensate. When driving on the road with trucks, keep in mind that they will not see your RV – even if it is a larger vehicle – if you are in the truck’s blind spot. Make sure you can see a truck’s mirrors – if you can’t, the driver probably cannot see you.
3) Consider the weight of your RV. You will of course want to fill your RV with all the essentials for your family’s vacation. However, keep in mind that too much weight or poorly distributed weight can cause rollovers and braking troubles. Do not exceed the maximum weight capacity for the RV and if you have heavier items, secure them low to the ground and distribute them evenly on both sides of the vehicle.
4) Use seatbelts. Although an RV may feel like home, it is not. Every time the RV is moving, ensure that all passengers are correctly using seat belts of age-appropriate safety systems.
5) Check your tires before each trip. Just like commercial trucks, RVs tend to put extra pressure on their tires do to weight. Buy the best tires you can afford and check them before each trip for correct tire pressure. Avoid speeding and overloading your RV, too – this can put dangerous pressure on tires and cause a blowout.
If you have been in a Florida trucking accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group, the legal firm with thousands of cases worth of experience. The Flaxman Law Group is conveniently located in South Florida to help clients in Miami, Hollywood, Homestead, and surrounding areas. Call today for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case.