How Rear-End Car Accidents Happen—And How You Can Prevent Them

Rear-end collisions in Hollywood and other communities occur when a truck or car crashes into the car or truck in front of it. Rear-end accidents occur frequently and are in fact one of the most common incidents to occur at intersections.

Rear-end car accidents can cause serious injuries and even fatalities. They can cause soft tissue injuries such as whiplash as well as brain injuries, fractures, abrasions, lacerations and even fatalities. These types of collisions are often preventable and tend to be caused by distraction, sudden stops, tailgating, inattention and tire issues.

Preventing Rear End Accidents

You can prevent rear end collisions by:

Leaving more space between your car and the vehicle in front of you. One of the best ways to avoid a rear-end collision is to place more space between you and the car in front of you. This ensures that if you do need to break suddenly you have room to do so. Essentially, the extra room buys you some time so if something occurs you have a few extra seconds to react.

Know what to do if someone is driving too closely behind you. If you do notice a tailgater, you can try to switch lanes or get away if it is safe to do so. You can also allow them to pass or pull over into a service station to allow them to pass you. Where possible, try to avoid driving in front of a tailgater. Such a person is more likely to cause a rear-end collision which is most likely to you (not the tailgater). Someone who is tailgating may also be driving aggressively or be taking part other risk-taking driving maneuvers, meaning they are more likely to cause a crash.

Avoiding distraction and inattention. Distracted driving can mean you might not notice if the vehicle in front of you stops suddenly. Inattention can also let you miss important cues, such as the car in front of you engaging their brake lights. Pay attention to your driving and put away cell phones or any distractions in your car.

Driving defensively. Always think a few moves ahead and keep an eye out on the traffic in front of you. Try to see what is ahead of the vehicles ahead of you so you can notice if traffic ahead of you comes to a stop. Also keep an eye out for traffic lights up ahead. This way, you don’t have to slam on the brakes when traffic slows or stops.

Taking care of your tires and brakes. Worn tires and brakes can affect her ability to stop in time. Always ensure your car is in good mechanical condition so the brakes respond when you need them to. Properly-maintained cars can help you avoid a rear-end crash by braking fast, even if the car in front of you stops suddenly.

Checking your mirrors. Checking your mirrors lets you see whether the traffic behind you is also slowing or whether the driver behind you is distracted and at a risk of a rear-end collision.

Having an escape route. As you drive, get into the practice of noticing curbs, left turn lanes, shoulders and other areas where you could escape if the car in front of you suddenly stopped. If the car in front of you brakes suddenly and a collision is imminent, you can use these escape routes to get out of the way fast.

Brake gradually. When approaching red lights or stop signs, especially, brake gradually to give the driver behind you time to adjust.

If you have been injured in a rear-end collision, contact a Hollywood rear-end collision attorney. You can do so by contacting Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation. Our rear-end collision attorneys in Hollywood and South Florida and help you understand your rights and can help you determine how you can protect your interests after a crash.