SAFE Aims to Prevent Florida Truck & Car Accidents

The NAS Jax Safety Department has been offering hands-on workshops to audiences to teach them about the dangers of Florida truck accidents, car accidents, and other accidents. Most recently, the department sponsored their “Street Smart” presentation over the Labor Day weekend. The presentation involved two Orlando paramedics who are part of Florida SAFE (Stay Alive From Education) Inc.

The presentations include audience participation, a clear description of cases where paramedics arrive at the scene of an accident and graphic depictions of accident scenes. According to SAFE, many trauma calls to local paramedics involve Florida drunk driving accidents. In many cases, drivers and passengers involved in these accidents are not wearing seat belts.

According to Orlando Firefighter and Paramedic Scott Neusch, who is also a part of SAFE, when a driver in a Florida truck accident or car accident is not wearing a seat belt, the chest hits the steering wheel. The impact of there crash causes the head of the driver to collide with the windshield and causes the thigh femur bones to be pushed into the abdomen.

According to the SAFE paramedics, when they arrive at the scene of a Florida truck accident, they stabilize the spinal cord of the accident victim, since many Florida truck accident victims are also Florida spinal cord injury victims – the force of the collision often injures the spinal cord. Once the spinal cord is stabilized, the paramedics remove the clothing of the accident and insert an IV and trach tube to prepare the victim for transport to a hospital.

Once in hospital, the accident victim has a catheter and chest tube inserted and is usually rushed to surgery. After surgery, patients are usually in considerable pain, since many Florida truck accidents and car accidents result in painful burn injuries, spinal cord injuries, broken bones, and other painful injuries. Some patients have permanent injuries while others require months of rehabilitation and treatment.

SAFE and NAS Jax Safety Department hope that the detailed and graphic presentations, which included real-life examples, will help convince Florida drivers about the importance of wearing a seat belt and obeying traffic laws. The detailed presentations are available to groups and schools and are intended to make a deep impression as to the real dangers of ignoring safety.