Power Line Injuries Are More Common in Florida Car Accidents

Car accidents cause serious injuries across South Florida. Each year, victims of car accidents are rushed to Fort Lauderdale and Florida emergency rooms with head injuries, spinal cord injuries, burns, fractures, and other serious injuries. However, it is not just the accident and impact of the crash itself that can cause serious injuries. In some cases, a secondary cause can cause serious and even fatal injuries.

Some car accidents in Fort Lauderdale and South Florida, for example, involve not only another car but also utility poles. Downed power lines can seriously injure a driver attempting to leave their car. In some cases, victims of traffic accidents in Fort Lauderdale and across South Florida sustain serious burn injuries or are even electrocuted because of downed power lines.

The safest place is in your car

If you are in a car or truck accident in Fort Lauderdale or anywhere in South Florida and the accident involves utility poles and downed power lines, the safest place for you to be is inside your car. If possible, remain in your vehicle and call 911 as well as the local power authority. Even if the downed power line is not close to your car, the area could be electrified and could harm you if you attempt to get out of your car or approach a car that has been in an accident near a downed power line. Verify with emergency dispatch and the power company that it is safe to get out of the car before you attempt to do so.

If you must leave your car after an accident, use caution

If you are in a traffic accident in Fort Lauderdale or South Florida involving a downed power line but cannot safely remain in your car, you can tuck your arms close to your body and try to leap free of your car. You can reduce the risk of electrocution if you try to avoid touching the car and the ground at the same time. However, it is best to call 911 first and try to get the power shut off before attempting this.

If you do leap from the car, experts suggest keeping your feet together and shuffling or hopping, avoiding placing one foot in front of the other or lifting one foot higher than the other. If one foot is placed in a higher voltage zone than the other, this could make your body a conduit for electricity and this can lead to serious injuries.

If you have been seriously injured in a traffic accident in Fort Lauderdale or anywhere in South Florida, contact the Flaxman Law Group to arrange for a free accident consultation to discuss your situation. It is best to get legal advice before you make any lasting decisions in your case. You may be entitled to compensation because of your injuries, and you will want to take steps to safeguard your family’s future. If you accept insurance money before speaking with a personal injury attorney, you may sign away some of your rights. If you find out later on that the insurance money does not cover all your costs, you may end up paying for these costs out of pocket. Protect yourself and your family by calling the Flaxman Law Group today for a free accident consultation to discuss your rights.