Should Florida Adopt California’s Plan For Reducing Car Accidents?

Drunk driving is considered to be one of the most often committed violent crimes in the US. Each year, Florida attorneys spend hundreds of hours in court involved in auto accident cases that result when impaired drivers get behind the wheel. Despite this, Central Florida police don’t currently have any plans to adopt a plan that California has been successfully using to curb DUI charges and car accidents.

Fresno, CA was featured by U.S.A. Today as having a “model D.U.I. program” – Fresno police not only set up 73 checkpoints throughout 2006, but undercover officers began targeting potential drunk drivers at local bars. Fresno officials went undercover to major local bars and observed the clientele with an eye to stopping drunk driving – and car accidents before they began.

The unique DUI program stems from the fact that many people involved in DUI-related car accidents are coming from bars and pubs, according to Fresno authorities. By setting up a base of operations in these establishments, Fresno police believe they can reduce the number of auto accidents and fatalities linked to drunk driving. In 2006 alone, bar operations led to 138 arrests and the number of fatalities involving drunk drivers was reduced by more than 12 percent in the region – something that the Fresno police attribute directly to the success of their bar program.

The bar operations have not been without criticism, however. Some feel that targeting drinkers in bars is simply too much an invasion of privacy – after all, bar patrons who have not yet stepped behind the wheel of a car are doing nothing wrong. Several Florida lawyers and police forces are refusing to even comment on the Fresno operations. Others point out that Florida has DUI programs in place – programs that have reduced the instances of drunk driving in recent years.

Whether or not the state will eventually adopt the Fresno model of DUI control or not, though, few would argue that DUI continues to be a major problem on the streets of every state. Each year, personal injuries cases and car accident fatalities are the direct result of inebriated drivers. If you have been affected by a drunk driver or have been in a car accident, be sure to get help from qualified Florida attorneys. They can advise you of your rights and guide you through the legal process.

Call 1- 800-535-2962 (1 800 5 FLAXMAN) for a free, no-obligation consultation to learn more about your options. The Law Offices of Flaxman & Lopez can meet you at your hospital, office, or home to help support you throughout your case.