Filing Social Security Disability in Miami & Hollywood

Have you suffered a disability or serious illness on the job in Miami, Hollywood, or your Florida community? You may be covered by benefit programs that are designed to help you. One of the most common sources of benefits in this type of situation is Social Security.

Empty wheelchair on the pier in the harbor
Empty wheelchair on the pier in the harbor

Social Security Disability (SSD) insurance benefits are offered by the federal government to protect those who have been permanently disabled. These benefits are not “free.” Each year that you work, part of your income deductions are put towards this program. Your taxes also pay for these benefits so that if you are injured you can get monthly benefits for living expenses. Your children and spouse may also qualify for benefits under this program if you are disabled.

Getting Your Benefits After a Workplace Injury in Florida

While Social Security Disability claims are meant to protect you, the application process is daunting. Sometimes, applicants applying for these benefits with the Social Security Administration (SSA) find that their legitimate claim is denied. It can be very upsetting to pay into the benefits program for years only to be denied when you really need the assistance.

If you have been denied Social Security Disability or are having trouble getting the benefits you may be entitled to, it is important to contact a qualified attorney in Hollywood, Miami, or your Florida community. A law firm like Flaxman Law Group has a team of attorneys who have experience with personal injury cases. They can help you determine whether you have a personal injury, Social Security, or Workers’ compensation claim. If you are eligible for Social Security benefits, a SSD attorney can help you with the application process. If your application has been denied, an attorney can guide you through the appeal process.

Why Seeking Help is Important

If you are permanently disabled, you may need Social Security Disability benefits to pay for housing, food, and medical costs. If your benefits are denied or delayed and you are unable to work due to your disability, you may have a hard time paying for the basics of life. You may even find yourself unable to get the basic medical help you need for your condition.

A personal injury attorney can help prove your disability. Social Security Disability attorneys in Florida understand government processes and regulations, so that they can submit applications that show your disability so that you can secure the benefits you are entitled to. If you have been denied Social Security Disability benefits, you have the right to an appeal. To be successful in your appeal, you must follow the right processes by the right deadlines and you must submit very strong medical evidence to back up your claim. If you lose your appeal, you may lose out on the chance to get your rightful benefits. To create the best possible appeal, consider working with a personal injury attorney.

If you are looking for a personal injury attorney in Southern Florida, contact Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation. Our law firm has three offices – in Hollywood, Homestead, and Miami – are we are proud to have had the opportunity to assist plaintiffs from all over South Florida. If you think you have a claim, do not hesitate in contacting us.