Stationary Car Crashes in Key Biscayne: What to Know
Most car and truck accidents in Key Biscayne and other South Florida communities occur between two vehicles. Even single-vehicle traffic accidents in Key Biscayne and other communities are more common than stationary car accidents. However, just because a vehicle is not moving, it does not mean that injuries cannot occur. Each year, thousands of people suffer serious injuries in non-moving vehicles due to:
1) Rear-ending. Even if you are parked, you can easily be rear-ended by a vehicle that is traveling. Rear-end accidents involving stationary cars are especially common on residential streets and in parking lots. A distracted driver may not notice a parked car in time and may crash into it. In some cases, drivers mix up the gas pedal and brake pedal, so they careen into the car in front of them rather than stopping their car. These types of car accidents can easily lead to head injuries in Key Biscayne as well as spinal cord injuries, soft tissue injuries, and other serious injuries. In many cases, in this type of accident the victim is simply not expecting to be in an accident and may not even be wearing their seatbelts at the time of impact. This can make injuries worse.
2) Leaving a child in the car. Unfortunately, each year small children, toddlers, and infants are seriously injured or killed because they are left alone in a car while their parents or caregivers run errands or simply forget to remove the child from the car. Leaving a child inside of a car is a serious issue, since even on a relatively mild day temperatures within a car can quickly escalate to dangerous levels and can suffocate a child and can even cause serious burn injuries. In Key Biscayne and across South Florida, very high temperatures can increase the odds that a child simply will not survive being left alone in the car. Rolling down the windows a little bit will not help protect the child. It is important that parents have systems or develop a habit for checking the rear seat of their car before leaving their car. While it seems unfathomable to some parents that they would forget their child, stressful jobs, distraction, and a hectic lifestyle can easily contribute to this problem.
3) Injuries related to car systems malfunctioning. In some cases, car systems can overheat or malfunction in some other way. This can mean that even if someone is sitting in a parked car and listening to the radio or waiting in their car, they could be injured. If a product defect in your car has caused a serious injury, you can contact a personal injury attorney in Key Biscayne or your community in order to inquire about launching a products liability claim in Key Biscayne or your South Florida city.
Have you been injured in a car accident or by a car in Key Biscayne or another South Florida community? Contact a personal injury attorney in order to find out about your rights and options. The Flaxman Law Group is always available and offers a free, no obligation consultation to all new clients. Call today to find out how much your case may be worth.