Coping With Grief After a Homestead Truck Accident

Being in a car accident or truck accident in Homestead or another community can change virtually every area of your life. While personal injury attorneys in Homestead and across Florida tend to focus on the tangible damages – including the injuries, medical costs, and property damage – that can incur in collisions, the reality is that any trucking accident can be extremely traumatic. If you have lost a loved one or have suffered a permanent injury, especially, it is normal to feel grief, rage, and even extreme upset after your collision. Even a serious injury from which you expect to make a full recovery can leave you traumatized and upset.


Not much is said about the grief, trauma, and emotional upheaval that occurs after traffic accidents and truck accidents. However, these types of accidents can cause or contribute to severe problems, including:

•Sleep disorders
•Posttraumatic stress disorder (ptsd)
•Relationship problems
•Mood swings
•Eating disorders
•Substance abuse
•Difficulty concentrating or remembering things
While most of us who have been in a serious accident are rushed to the emergency room or at least get some medical help, all too often the emotional impact of a traffic accident is ignored. This can be a real concern, as the trauma of a serious accident can be debilitating and does require medical treatment.

If you have been in a serious truck accident, there are several things you will want to do to take care of your emotional state:

•Practice good self-care. Follow your doctor’s directions about medication and treatment to the letter. In addition, make sure that you get adequate sleep, rest, good food, and gentle exercise if you can. Give yourself time to heal from the injuries and do not rush to get back to work or back to your daily routine if you’re not up to it. You need to be gentle with yourself.

•Stay alert for symptoms. If you have a broken bone, it can be easy to see the problem. If you simply feel upset or not quite yourself after a serious truck accident, it can be more difficult to tell what the matter is. Consider keeping a journal in order to keep track of any symptoms, such as difficulty sleeping, changes in appetite, and other issues. If you notice any issues, seek a doctor’s help right away.

•Get quality medical attention. If you have been permanently or seriously injured, getting supportive quality medical care that increases your chances of recovering properly from your injuries can be a big help. It can help you feel more positive about your future.

•Seek the help of a support group or support network. There are many support groups out there for victims of car accidents and truck accidents, people who have lost a loved one, and those who have suffered from a serious injury. Seek the support groups out if you need help. They can be a great place to learn more about dealing with an injury or loss and they can help provide you with the emotional support you need as you adjust to life after the collision. Friends and family can also be an important support network when you need to speak with someone.

•Speak with a personal injury attorney in Homestead or your community. A personal injury attorney can help you find out whether you have options for compensation, which can help you pay for therapy, counseling, and other forms of care that can help you recover fully from your accident.

If you like to speak with a personal injury attorney today, contact Flaxman Law Group to arrange for a free, no obligation case review.