Taking a Stand to Stop Drunk Driving

The month of April is Alcohol Awareness Month. This month, the National Institutes of Health wants to warn you about the dangers of alcohol to your health and safety. It’s a good time to sit down and talk about drunk driving, alcohol poisoning, and the other dangers that drinking can cause. If you have children, this is a good time to develop a “drive sober” strategy for the whole family.


Here are a few tips for ensuring that alcohol use doesn’t cause a tragic car accident in Hollywood that could affect you and your family:

1) Find family and friends who are willing to offer you a safe ride home if you have been drinking.

Before you head out for drinks or any event where alcohol may be served, it’s a good idea to have a plan in place well ahead of time. Talk to friends and family today to agree to offer each other rides home if you need them. Make sure that your children and teens understand that they can always call you for a safe ride home – no questions asked and no punishment given – if the other alternative is getting in a car with someone who has been drinking.

2) Use apps to help you.

Your mobile device can be a great way to get home safe. Install apps that allow you to easily reach friends and family if you’ve been drinking or use apps to find and request taxis to get home. There are even apps that promise to estimate your level of sobriety. They are not as accurate as other tests, but they are a handy reminder not to drink and drive.

3) Always carry extra money in your wallet or glove compartment.

Having extra money on hand makes it easy to pay for taxis or a hotel room. If carrying cash is not practical, have an emergency credit card or debit card on hand.

4) Sign drive sober pledges with your family.

Teen drivers sometimes drive drunk or take other risks when drinking because they fear punishment if their parents find out. Studies have shown that parents severely underestimate underage drinking. Even if you suspect that your child never drinks, it is a good time to remind them that even if they do you can offer them a safe ride home with no questions asked. This is not enabling teenage drinking so much as ensuring that they don’t compound mistakes.

5) Talk about the other dangers of alcohol.

Drunk driving is not the only danger. Alcohol can also cause poor judgment in other situations. Even walking home can be dangerous if you have been drinking because someone who is inebriated may fall or wander into traffic because of their condition. Drinking too much can also cause alcohol poisoning. Drink responsibly and encourage members of your family to drink responsibly, too.

Have you been hit by a drunk driver? A South Florida or Hollywood DUI claim attorney can help you understand your legal options. If you have been injured, the attorneys at Flaxman Law Group would like to hear about it. The legal team at our law firm would be pleased to meet with you to arrange for free accident consultation to discuss your situation.