Think Like an Adjuster to Maximize Your Miami Truck Crash Claim
Claims adjusters investigate claims on behalf of insurance companies and make recommendations about the damages that should be awarded. The aim of the adjuster is to work quickly and effectively to place a price on the damages. If you have been in a truck accident in Miami or anywhere in South Florida and contact your insurance company, they will probably send out an insurance professional quickly to assess the damage.
For many people who have suffered a serious truck accident injury, such as a spinal cord injury or a head injury, in Miami or another community, part of the problem is that insurance adjusters want to resolve insurance claims inexpensively and quickly. This means that some injured parties find that the full costs of their injuries are not completely covered by insurance money. In order to recover as much as possible, you need to think like a claims adjuster. This means that after a serious traffic accident in Miami you should:
1) Get documentation for everything. If you have sustained a serious injury, such as a spinal cord injury, in Miami, get copies of medical records, receipts for all injury-related expenses, and any other documentation you can. Get copies of police reports, keep a journal and photos of your injuries, and any other information possible. Start documenting at the accident scene, gathering as much data and photos as you can.
2) It’s a numbers game — consider shorter-term and longer-term costs. Insurance companies do not consider the emotional or personal impact of accidents; their job is to put a financial number on injuries. When considering your injuries, consider the short-term and also the longer-term costs associated with your injuries. These costs can include rehabilitation, lost wages, lost earnings potential, medical care, and more. If you need help determining the costs, consult with a personal injury attorney in Miami. Experienced attorneys have seen similar injuries and can help you understand the total costs involved.
3) Get everything checked out. Insurance companies leave no stone unturned when investigating an accident – and neither should you. If you have been in a serious accident, get medical attention right away, even if you do not seem seriously hurt. Some injuries are not apparent right away. Review your insurance policies (including the fine print) so that you understand your coverage. Take your car to a mechanic you trust right away to determine what the damages to your car might be. The more you know about the true impact of the accident, the easier it will be to make the right decision in your case.
4) Speak with an attorney. A personal injury attorney in Miami can help you understand your rights and what you can do to get the fairest compensation possible. An attorney may be able to negotiate with insurance carriers on your behalf or can help you launch a legal claim if you feel that is the best option.
Have you been injured in a truck accident in Miami or another South Florida community? You can always contact the Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation to discuss your situation.