Top 6 Resolutions to Become a Safer Driver In 2015
Many of us make New Year’s resolutions that focus on getting healthier or wealthier. While these can improve the quality of our lives, keep in mind that the way you drive can make just as significant an impact on what 2015 is like for you. If you are a motorist, driving is likely the most dangerous thing you do every day. By becoming a safer driver, you can dramatically improve your chances of having a healthy and safe 2015. Here are six resolutions you can make today that could help you drive more safely:
1) Pledge to avoid drunk driving.
Drunk driving in Hollywood and other cities remains a leading cause of collisions, especially around the holiday season. If you have any New Year’s Eve plans, make sure you have a good plan for getting home safely. Better yet, create a plan for getting home safely every day of the year. Agree with friends to offer each other drives home when needed and sign no drinking and driving pledges. Avoiding driving if you have been drinking is one of the simplest ways to lower your risk of collisions.
2) Pledge to avoid distracted and fatigued driving.
Recent research has suggested that distracted and fatigued driving in Hollywood and other communities can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. Resolve to only drive when you are well-rested and ready to focus on the road. Get into the habit of keeping extra cash on hand so that you can call a cab or use public transportation if you are tired or upset. Taking a cab, train, or bus home is much safer than driving when you may fall asleep at the wheel or make a distraction-related mistake.
3) Resolve to get better at driving.
Most drivers think that they are excellent drivers, but research studies have shown that many motorists overestimate their driving ability. The reality is that most drivers have some bad habits or some areas where their skills could improve. A few lessons with a driving instructor or a few racing lessons could help you sharpen your skills so that you stay safer on the road.
4) Resolve to make your car as safe as possible.
Your driving ability will not mean much if your car is riddled with mechanical problems. Make sure that your car operates smoothly and has good brakes and tires. Schedule regular maintenance for your car and resolve any issues mechanics find quickly.
5) Get serious about passenger safety.
If you have children as passengers in your car, invest in a good age-appropriate child restraint system and use it correctly each time you have a child passenger. Continue to use the child restraint system until your child outgrows it by weight and height. For adult passengers, make sure that everyone is buckled up each time you drive. As a driver, you are responsible for your passengers’ safety as well as your own.
The attorneys at Flaxman Law Group would like to wish all our readers and clients a Happy New Year. We wish you every success and joy in the upcoming year. If you need legal advice or representation at any time during 2015, please feel free to contact our law firm for a free case review.