Traveling During the Pandemic

With concerns about COVID-19, many people are trying to avoid airplanes and crowded indoor spaces, which means many people are choosing taxis or their own cars rather than planes or trains to move around.

While this can be safe, it can also pose new risks in the time of a pandemic. In addition to staying safe and preventing car accidents in Homestead or your community, there are a few other steps you’ll want to take to stay safer in cars:

1) Rental cars

Rental cars are a good option for travel, especially since you can avoid sharing the space with strangers. You can also make your reservation online, without needing direct contact with anyone and some rental agencies also offer contactless car pickup.

You will want to take a few extra steps. Keep a pump bottle hand sanitizer in the console so you can clean your hands often. When you first pick up your rental car, take a minute to wipe down the handles, steering wheel, and other surfaces which may carry the virus.

2) Taxis and ride sharing

Taxis and ride shares are less crowded than public transit but you are in close proximity with your driver. Sit in the back seat and wear a mask to protect yourself. Use hand sanitizer when entering and exiting the car, since you will be touching common surfaces.

3) Shuttles

If you take a shuttle from an airport or other hub, you may be sharing a ride with the driver and with others. Be sure to wear a mask and see if you can get a dedicated shuttle instead of sharing. Ask about what measures the company is taking to keep your ride safe.

4) Sharing cars

Carpooling can seem like an attractive option, since you’re not sharing with strangers. However, it’s important to follow the same precautions you would use in a shuttle. Keep in mind that even if you know friends and family well, there’s no way to ensure someone hasn’t been exposed to the virus and isn’t currently contagious. Many patients are considered contagious a few days before symptoms appear, so a member of your carpool may have COVID-19 and not realize it yet.

5) Planes and public transit

With all forms of public transit and with planes, consider whether a trip is needed or whether it can be delayed until the pandemic is under control. If you do need to travel, wear a mask and practice social distancing as much as you can. Consider traveling during off-peak hours or days to reduce your risk.

No matter how you’re traveling, stay safe by following current local safety guidelines and using a little additional precaution. Do not travel or spend time with others if you have a cough, fever, or any symptoms of COVID-19 or if you suspect you may have been exposed to the virus.

Of course, injuries can still occur at this time due to collisions and mechanical failure. If you are injured in a rental car, airplane, taxi, ride share, shuttle, or any mass transit conveyance, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation.