Truck Accidents and Road Rage

In a car, drivers with road rage can cause serious injuries and damage. Research has shown that drivers gripped by strong, aggressive emotions while behind the wheel – the phenomena known as “road rage” – show poor response times, poor judgment, and often behave in aggressive and dangerous ways. Drivers who are gripped by road rage often ignore the rules of the road, speed, and drive aggressively or recklessly. They may verbally abuse other drivers or make threatening gestures. In rare cases, drivers affected by road rage may use their cars as a weapon to harm someone else.

When truck drivers are affected by road rage, the results may be much worse. The size and force of trucks – especially larger commercial trucks – are significant enough to cause serious damage if a driver loses control and drives recklessly or aggressively. Trucks are large enough to harm many people and damage many vehicles in a road rage incident.

There are many causes of driver rage. Truck drivers may exceed normal or accepted driving hours. Exhaustion can lead to anger and irritability, which can cause minor difficulties to escalate into instances of road rage. As well, some drivers may use illegal substances in order to meet hectic work schedules or may simply have anger management issues or even histories of road rage incidents. There are many reasons for road rage as there are drivers who experience the problem.

However road rage is caused, if a truck driver with road rage has caused an accident which has resulted in your injury, Florida law has provisions which allow you to recover for medical costs and related injury costs. Whether you have sustained a spinal cord injury, amputation, burn injury or other serious injury as a result of the truck accident, there are options for you. If you have sustained a serious injury in a trucking accident, your best option is to contact a qualified Florida personal injury attorney.

Since every incident of road rage is different, your Florida personal injury attorney will want to carefully examine the causes of an accident. What may seem like a simple case of driver road rage on the surface may actually reveal several liable parties and several contributing factors to the accident. For example, if a trucking company knew about a driver’s previous poor driving record, they may be held partially liable for the incident. A number of factors besides road rage may also have contributed to the accident. For example, tire defects or road conditions may have been at least partly to blame for an accident. Finding all liable parties allows your attorney to secure the fairest possible settlement for you.

We cannot control the actions or emotional states of drivers surrounding us on the highways. However, where truck driver’s actions can have such an immediate impact on your life and future, you do have every right to pursue every legal avenue open to you to ensure that you receive the best chance of recovery possible. In most cases, this means hiring a qualified attorney who can thoroughly investigate the trucking accident and give you the answers you need.