Car Accident Insurance Issues? What to Do in Parkland

If you have been in a front-end crash in Parkland, or a T-Bone accident, rear-end shunt collision, or any traffic incident which has resulted in car damage or injuries, one of the first calls you will make is to your insurance company. Of course, you have been paying premiums on your insurance for years and expect your insurer to be there for you when you need them to be. Unfortunately, some patients in Parkland with brain injuries, back injuries, and other injuries find they face challenges in getting the money they need from their insurer.

Insurance Problems After a Parkland Traffic Collision

Survivors of car and truck crashes in Parkland face a few issues with insurance, including:

  • Delays: If you have been injured in a car collision, the financial costs of your injuries start right away. You may need to get your car fixed and may need to lose work and income due to your injuries. Medical bills will start to arrive almost right away. If you face undue delays with your insurance claim, you may wonder if your insurer is acting in bad faith.
  • Denials: If you haver suffered an injury in a car collision or if an existing condition has been exacerbated by the crash, it can be frustrating if your insurer claims your injuries were not caused by the crash. In some cases, motorists are even accused of fraud and have their claims denied, even if they have a legitimate claim. While outright denials happen less often than they do with Parkland workers’ compensation cases and other claims, they still do occur.
  • Less money than they expect: One of the most common complaints against insurance companies is that they resolve claims inexpensively, and this can mean that car accident survivors may need to pay out of pocket for some of their expenses. In some cases, survivors end up paying tens of thousands of dollars or even more out of pocket because insurance did not cover their full costs.
  • Complex forms: Another common worry after a car accident is that survivors are often given many complex documents and asked to sign paperwork, but this information is often jargon-filled and hard to understand. Many car accident survivors wonder what they should sign and what they need to look out for in the paperwork after a car collision.

What To Do if You Face Insurance Problems After a Parkland Car Crash

If you file a claim after a car collision and have questions about the amount of money your insurance company offers or feel you are not being treated fairly by your insurer, you may consider speaking with a Parkland car collision claims attorney. An experienced attorney can review the facts of your case, your insurance policy, and any offer your insurance company has made.

An experienced attorney can help you understand how much your claim may be worth and can negotiate with your insurer on your behalf or file a claim on your behalf. Whether you have filed an insurance claim yet or not, an attorney can guide you through the process of seeking the fairest compensation for your injuries.

If this type of conversation sounds useful after your car collision injury, call Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Parkland car collision injury claims attorney.