What A Florida Personal Injury Attorney Does for You After a Florida Trucking Accident

If you have been in a Florida car accident involving a truck, you may wish to consider working with a Florida personal injury attorney, especially if your loss of income or injury costs will be larger than your insurance deducible. Your Florida personal injury attorney can help you in many ways after your accident:

1) An attorney can help you examine your situation. A qualified attorney can assess the extent of your damages and injuries as well as the costs involved. Even a non-permanent injury can cost you thousands of out-of-pocket expenses over a period of months, as you visit the doctor for follow-up visits. A good attorney can help you understand the true costs of the accident and can help you examine the legal issues surrounding your case. A good attorney often knows what the insurance company won’t tell you and can advise you.

2) An attorney can secure additional evidence after your Florida trucking accident. A good attorney works with private investigators and also knows what to look for in medical records or police reports in order to bolster your case. He or she can help you understand what has happened in your accident and can help find whether anyone is liable in your accident.

3) A good attorney can negotiate on your behalf. Insurance providers often hire highly trained attorneys and negotiators to offer you low claim amounts. An attorney works on your behalf and ensures that your interests are protected.

4) A good attorney can offer legal coaching in your case. Even if you decide to negotiate or represent yourself in your case, an attorney can still offer you coaching by proving you with information about your legal case and can help you with every aspect of your case.

5) A qualified attorney can represent you in court if you decide to file a lawsuit. A good attorney with trial experience knows how to address a jury or judge in order to present your case in the strongest manner possible.

If you need a qualified, experienced Florida personal injury attorney to help you after your Florida truck accident, contact the qualified team at the Flaxman Law Group. The Flaxman Law Group works with clients in the Homestead, Hollywood, Miami and surrounding communities. Contact the Flaxman Law Group today for your free, no-obligation consultation.