What to Do After a Homestead Truck Crash With an Intrastate Truck
Being in a trucking accident in Homestead or your community is terrifying. In the blink of an eye, your entire life could change if you suffer a serious injury. Sadly, these types of traffic collisions in Homestead and surrounding areas are still too common, even with new legislation and education campaigns.
If you have been in a truck accident, it is important that you do several things:
1) Get immediate medical help for anyone who is injured. Call 911 if anyone appears to be seriously injured. If you are dealing with spinal cord injury or possible head injury or internal injuries, do not attempt to move the injured person unless the 911 dispatcher tells you to. You could end up causing more injuries.
2) Remain calm and strategic after the accident. Tempers can run very high immediately following a serious accident. When speaking with the truck driver and anyone else involved, stay calm and stick to facts. Avoid saying anything at all that could be seen as admitting blame.
3) Get medical advice right away. Even if you feel fine, get a doctor to look you over as soon as possible after the collision. If you have sustained a head injury, soft tissue injury, or certain other injuries, symptoms might not show up right away.
4) Document everything. The more you document, the better. At the scene of the accident, get the truck driver’s name, insurance information, the name of the truck carrier they work for, and any registration and license information from the truck. Take photos of the scene if you can, with your phone if you have no camera with you. Get the contact information of any witnesses. When you get home, continue your documentation. Keep notes of any injuries or symptoms and take photos of any lacerations, property damage, or bruises you have. Keep receipts for car repairs, transportation costs, medication, and anything else. Most personal injury lawyers in Homestead agree that you simply cannot have too much documentation so write down everything and keep every bit of paperwork related to the accident and your injuries. Keep everything in one box or file for easy reference.
5) Report the accident. You will want to report the accident to police if it was serious or if you suspect that laws were violated. Get a copy of the police report.
6) Start the insurance claims process. Your insurance adjuster will want to get started on the process right away.
7) Contact a personal injury attorney. Even if you have excellent insurance, it is important to get legal advice. Truck accidents tend to involve powerful truck companies and insurance companies. There may also be multiple liable parties. You may be entitled to more compensation than you realize and this compensation can make a big difference in the quality of your medical care and the life you enjoy after your accident.
8) Practice good self-care. A truck accident is a traumatic event. After a collision, make sure that you take care of yourself. Follow your doctor’s instructions, get adequate rest, and speak to a support group or your doctor if you are having trouble with anxiety or other worries.
At Flaxman Law Group, we understand how upsetting a serious car or truck accident can be. We want to help. If you have been injured and would like to know your legal options, take advantage of our free, no obligation consultations by contacting us today.