Who Can Prevent Florida Trucking Accidents?

Although heavy and medium-sized trucks account for only about 2% of all registered vehicles in this country, they account for 12% of fatal accidents on our highways. The statistics for Florida are also disturbing. Florida has high fatality rates for truck accidents and truck accidents are very common in the state, accounting for many Florida brain injuries, amputations, and other serious injuries as well as for deaths. There are many things that can be done to help reduce these accident rates:

1) Driver attention. Properly maintained trucks, once a day inspections, and well-trained drivers are an important part of preventing truck accidents in Florida. As well, when truck drivers follow at least four seconds behind the vehicle in front of them and ensure their load is correctly balanced and loaded, many Florida car accidents involving trucks can be prevented. Truck drivers who follow the rules of the road are less likely to be in an accident.

2) Less drunk driving. A survey of 900 Florida truck drivers revealed that most drivers believe that one out of five driver colleagues “regularly drive” under the influence of controlled substances such as cocaine, alcohol, speed, and marijuana. Preventing drunk driving accidents involving trucks should be a top priority.

3) Fewer incentives to drive when fatigued. When drivers are paid by the mile or are given bonuses for driving more in less time, there is a financial incentive to speed and to drive when fatigued. Fair, hourly wages and bonuses for safe driving records remove these incentives and instead provide incentives to drive safely.

4) Improve passenger vehicle awareness of truck safety. When motorists driving passenger vehicles drive carefully around trucks, stay out of truck blind spots, and give trucks extra room, they make the roads safer for everyone. Education campaigns to promote safe driving and enforcement of driving rules can help ensure that all motorists drive safely.

If you have been injured in a Florida trucking accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group for a free, no-obligation consultation. The legal team at the Flaxman Group is proud to have served residents of Hollywood, Miami, Homestead, and surrounding South Florida communities for decades. Our compassion and experience can serve you as well. Call today to find out how.