Distracted Driving Spikes Miami Truck Accidents This Season

Numerous studies have shown that distracted driving is a major cause of concern in terms of Miami car accidents and truck accidents. In fact, by federal law, commercial drivers are not allowed to text and drive. During this time of year, however, it seems as though there are many more serious Miami truck accidents featured in the news. More holiday traffic and more pressure are one reason for this alarming trend in Miami truck accidents, but distracted driving is another major culprit. While distracted driving is a problem all year long, it can be an especial problem during the holiday rush, when it seems that far too many of us are trying to do far too much at once.

The pressure to keep retailers stocked with holiday items is considerable, and many truckers face extra pressures in terms of deliveries at this time of year. There are more trucks on the roads, more deliveries to make, and tighter deadline pressures. Truck drivers may feel more pressure to keep driving and more pressure to check in often about deadlines and deliveries. This can tempt drivers to use their mobile devices while on the road – to save time and to keep in touch. In addition, truck drivers have their own holiday plans, just like anyone else, and may be trying to balance a heavier holiday workload along with personal obligations. Again, this can tempt drivers into trying to multitask.

In addition, temporary truck drivers may need to be hired at this time of year in order to meet holiday demand. Many retailers and businesses hire temporary workers – including temporary drivers – at this time of year. While any truck carriers hiring commercial drivers are supposed to ensure that they hire only qualified drivers, any business hiring a driver for a company van may face fewer distractions. A less experienced driver may feel overconfident in their ability to text and drive, and drivers who drive vans for a company may not even realize that they should not use their mobile devices while driving.

There are also more drivers on the roads in general at this time of year, and while commercial truck drivers are prohibited from texting and driver, the drivers of passenger vehicles do not face any similar ban in Florida. Even if truck drivers do everything right at this time of year – even with the added pressures they face – passenger car drivers may be driving distracted and may cause serious collisions with trucks.

All drivers need to be more alert at this time of year. That means putting away all distractions, including mobile devices, and driving safely. The Flaxman Law Group wants to ensure that all our readers have a safe and happy holiday, and we hope that none of our readers are affected by a Miami traffic accident.

If you are in a truck accident, the Flaxman Law Group will ensure that our phone lines continue to be staffed, so you can immediately reach a live person to discuss your case and to arrange for a free accident consultation to review your case with an attorney in our Miami, Homestead, or Hollywood law offices.