The Real-Life Impact of a Hallandale Beach Car Crash

If you live in Hallandale Beach and are involved in a serious car accident, the impact of that accident can last for years. If you have sustained a serious injury, such as a spinal cord injury, burns, fractures, or a head injury in Hallandale Beach or another community, you may face a long medical recovery process and the impact of your accident can also affect your finances, your relationships, and your emotions for years to come. You will want to address all the areas of your life that may be affected by your injuries:

1) Medical. The most obvious impact of a serious traffic accident in Hallandale Beach is the injuries suffered. You may face head injuries, soft tissue injuries, or other serious injuries. You may be rushed from the scene of the accident to Memorial Regional Hospital or another local hospital. Even if you are not taken to hospital, you will want to visit a local clinic or your doctor for a check-up as soon as possible after the accident. Some soft tissue injuries and head injuries do not manifest symptoms right away but may be serious. Once you have received emergency medical care, you may face months or years of recovery time and medical treatment. Depending on your injuries, you may need surgery, follow-up treatment, rehabilitation, and other care.

2) Financial. The high cost of medical care after a car or truck accident in Hallandale Beach is usually compounded by the fact that after an accident you may not be able to return to work for some time, causing you to lose wages. The financial devastation of a serious car accident can push households into bankruptcy – and car insurance may not always be the answer. In cases where patients need long-term care, especially, insurance money often does not cover the full cost of an accident. For this reason, it is important to speak with a personal injury attorney in Hallandale Beach soon after your accident. A good attorney can negotiate with insurance companies for you or can help you pursue legal claims, if possible in your case, so that you get the compensation you and your family need.

3) Relationships. It’s true that relationships often suffer after a serious car accident. In addition to the frustration and upset that serious injuries can cause, the financial burden of a car crash in Hallandale Beach can lead to household and relationship disputes. After a serious car collision, you may need to see a therapist or counselor to get assistance. It may also be useful to speak with a support group.

4) Mental. After a serious accident, it is normal to feel anxiety, fear, upset, and a whole turmoil of emotions. It is important to get help or counseling for these emotions, especially if they hurt your relationships or prevent you from living a full life.

Have you sustained a soft tissue injury, fracture, or other serious injury in a car collision in Hallandale Beach? You can contact the Flaxman Law Group at any time to get free legal advice – either in a no obligation consultation or over the phone. Call the law firm today to arrange for your free appointment.