Working With a Lawyer After a Florida Workplace Injury

Unfortunately, many Florida workers are injured on the job each year. Many serious Florida burn injuries, amputations, head injuries, and spinal cord injuries are the result of workplace accidents. Unfortunately, a serious personal injury in a workplace can leave you unable to work. In serious cases, you may be unable to return to your job permanently.

In these cases, Florida workers compensation is meant to help you recover and to enjoy some income as you focus on your health. Unfortunately, due to insurance fraud and concerns over insurance costs, getting insurance money from workers compensation programs is getting increasingly difficult, even for workers who are genuinely injured. Florida workers sometimes find that insurance providers treat their claims with suspicion.

Working with a qualified Florida personal injury attorney after a workplace injury is important. Whether you have suffered a Florida slip and fall accident in the workplace or a car accident at work, a good attorney can help you understand your rights and the total costs of your injuries. He or she can also help negotiate with insurance providers so that you get the best claim amount possible, so that you are able to afford good quality medical care.

Working with a good Florida personal injury attorney can show you that you may qualify for more sources of claim money than you understood. For example, you may have a Florida products liability claim if a defective machine or product caused your injury. You may also have a legal claim. As well, you may qualify for benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, a federal program. If you qualify, a good attorney can help ensure that you get all the benefits you are entitled to.

It is important to contact a good Florida personal injury attorney immediately after a workplace accident. Most of us rely very heavily on our jobs for income and without this income we may face eviction, foreclosure, and other problems. Also, if you are unable to return to work, you may not qualify for employee medical benefits, leaving you with substantial medical bills. A good attorney can ensure that you are compensated for lost income as well as your medical costs and other costs related to your accident.

If you need a good Florida personal injury attorney and have been in a workplace accident in the south Florida area, contact the Flaxman Law Group. The compassionate and knowledgeable legal team at the Flaxman Law Group have successfully helped many injured employees in Homestead, Hollywood, Miami, and surrounding Florida communities. Contact the Flaxman Law Group today to find out what our legal team can do for you.