Squeeze Play Truck Accidents

Squeeze play truck accidents occur when large commercial trucks have to make a turn right and have to first swing the front of their truck left in order to avoid obstacles and make the right turn. If a vehicle is trapped between the curb and the rig on the left-hand side of the truck, the smaller vehicle can be crushed in what is known as a squeeze play truck accident.


Unfortunately, squeeze play truck accidents are all too common in Hollywood, Homestead, and other South Florida cities. These Hollywood traffic accidents are especially devastating because fully loaded commercial trucks can be more than 15 times heavier than a passenger vehicle. A smaller car has literally very little chance against a large truck. In these types of accidents, passengers of the smaller car could suffer fatalities, head wounds, spinal cord injury, fractures, paralysis, and other devastating or permanent injuries.

Truck drivers are expected to pass rigorous testing and enroll in extensive classes in order to learn how to avoid accidents. In many cases, squeeze play truck accidents are fully preventable because drivers are supposed to carefully check to make sure that they have enough space to make a safe left turn and they are expected to use additional precautions when they are sharing the road on narrow city streets or in busy areas where there is plenty of other traffic. Despite this, truck drivers may drive distracted, inebriated, or maybe undertrained and not be able to prevent these types of accidents.

If you have been injured in a car accident in Hollywood that involves a truck, it is important to consult with a personal injury attorney. A personal injury attorney in Hollywood or your community can help you understand whether you have a case and the possible value of your case. You may assume that car insurance will cover all of your costs, but insurance companies often try to settle claims for low amounts in order to increase profits for their shareholders. A personal injury attorney can often help find multiple liable parties or can at least negotiate with your insurance carrier to see whether it is possible to get a fairer settlement amount for you. Keep in mind that once you accept insurance money you may have signed away some of your rights to pursue compensation later on. Even if you find out that your injuries end up costing you more than you think, you may have little legal recourse, which is why it is important to consult with a personal injury attorney first.

Do you need help paying for medical bills, emergency room expenses, medication, lost wages, car repairs or car replacement costs, and other costs that you have incurred as a result of your injuries? Contact Flaxman Law Group for a free, no obligation consultation to find out whether you qualify for compensation that can help you pay for some or all of these costs. If your injuries were caused by someone’s recklessness and through no fault of your own, you may have a legal claim and you have may have the right under Florida law to seek fair compensation for damages.