How Much Pressure are You Under After a Traffic Crash?
If you have been in a traffic crash in Hollywood or South Florida, you’re probably under a lot of pressure. You may be seriously injured and may need to scramble in order to take care of car repairs, the insurance process and more. You may need to contact your employer, inform everyone of your accident, file a claim, attend doctors’ appointments, and take care of many other tasks.
For many people, a serious car or truck accident in Hollywood can also cause a lot of financial pressure. For example, after a truck accident, you may have to pay for:
- Medical bills
- Hospital stays
- Medication
- Taxis to and from doctors’ appointments
- Car repairs
- Medical devices such as braces and crutches
- Other costs
Even if you have car insurance and medical coverage, some of these costs may not be covered. In addition, there may be many incidental expenses. For example while you recover you may need to install grab bars in your bathrooms or create a temporary wheelchair ramp in your home if you’re wheelchair-bound. At the same time, you may be unable to work and you may be missing out on substantial amounts of income due to injury.
All of this can conspire to create a great deal of stress and pressure in your life. In this type of situation, it is important to take care of yourself. Additional stress and financial pressure can lead to sleep disorders, depression, and slower healing times. The last thing you want with a serious injury is to be so injured that you slow down or complicate your healing process.
There are several ways that you can reduce stress and pressure after a traffic crash:
- Let a personal injury attorney handle the insurance claims and legal process for you
- Work on getting the fairest possible benefits with the help of an attorney so that you face less financial pressure
- Stay organized so that you don’t miss doctors’ appointments
- Keep a journal of your progress so that you can see that you are getting better
- Rely on friends and family for emotional support
- Turn to local support groups for sympathy and practical help
- Be kind to yourself – eat well and get plenty of rest
- Don’t try to do everything — give yourself a chance to rest and get better
- Talk to your doctor if you are showing signs of depression or sleep disorders – get the appropriate treatment or counseling if you need it
If you find yourself facing a lot of stress after a traffic accident, it is important to consult with a personal injury attorney. A good attorney can explore the causes of your accident and can help you investigate possible legal avenues you may have to seek compensation. For example, a personal injury attorney may negotiate on your behalf with insurance carriers to help you secure a fair settlement. Here she can also file a legal claim on your behalf so you can pursue compensation if someone’s negligence or recklessness caused your accident.
Are you ready to find out the fact about your legal options? Would you like someone representing your rights as you seek fair compensation and benefits for your injuries? Contact the law firm of Flaxman Law Group to arrange for a free, no obligation case review.