Retaining Good Drivers Can Reduce Florida Truck Accidents

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, carriers and truck companies have a hard time retaining and hiring qualified drivers. In fact, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, there’s a shortage of qualified drivers for commercial carriers. The FMCSA has a few recommendations that can help carriers hire qualified drivers and thereby help prevent Florida car accidents involving trucks:

1) Driver Training. Proper driver training ensures that drivers have the skills and expertise needed to help avoid Florida truck accidents. Many truck drivers are hired after already receiving extensive education and training. However, truck carriers can institute their own training to ensure that drivers are prepared to meet the rigors and demands of a specific schedule. As well, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, carriers can help retain qualified drivers by providing driver training which allows for career advancement. If drivers are given training which allows them to achieve higher levels of career attainment or higher salaries, they may be less likely to leave the company.

2) Dispatch Operations. Fleet managers or dispatchers are the ones who communicate with drivers about their loads, schedules, and other logistics. However, at most companies, there is a high rate of turnover for dispatch and fleet managers. This means that in many cases fleet managers do not get to know truck drivers personally, something which the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration believes affects truck driver turnover rates as well. Having a lower truck driver to fleet manager ratio, training fleet managers correctly, and working to retain fleet managers as well as drivers can help companies retain qualified drivers, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

3) Working Conditions. Long-haul commercial truck drivers face a difficult lifestyle. Many hours on the roads, irregular work hours, and an irregular schedule can contribute to stress. That stress is even more pronounced when truck drivers face poor working conditions. Providing more flexible hours, modern trucks with larger sleeping berths, and better working conditions overall can help carriers retain qualified drivers. As well, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, carriers can help enforce rest and off hour regulations enacted by the federal government to ensure that truck drivers get adequate rest.

4) Incentives and Rewards. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, carriers enacting incentive and reward programs for safety have been able to reduce instances of Florida truck accidents as well as the costs of insurance premiums. Incentives and rewards may take a variety of forms. Some carriers offer rewards – such as cash bonuses or gifts – to truck drivers who go accident free for a specific number of miles. Others offer an additional holiday bonus for truck drivers who have been able to remain accident free or violation free for an entire year. Other carriers have a points system, allowing them to reward commercial truck drivers for a variety of safety actions.

If you have been injured in a Florida truck accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group for a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your case. You have rights and you need to know what your rights and your options are. The experienced legal team at the Flaxman Law Group has worked with thousands of Florida car accident and truck accident victims in Miami, Homestead, Hollywood, and other South Florida communities. Call today to find out what the Flaxman Law Group can do for you.