Seat Belt Use Helps Prevent Fatal Florida Truck Accidents
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA), commercial truck drivers are using safety belts more than ever before – an important precaution that can help prevent Florida workers compensation suits as well as fatal Florida truck accidents. According to the FMCSA 2009 Safety Belt Usage by Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Drivers Survey, 74% of surveyed commercial truck drivers used seat belts on 2009. This represents a 9% increase over the 2007-2009 period.
According to the survey, passengers and other occupants of commercial trucks have a 61% usage rate when it comes to seat belts. The FMCSA 2009 Safety Belt Usage by Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Drivers Survey surveyed 20,818 commercial drivers and 1,628 occupants of commercial vehicles across 827 sites across the US. According to the findings, safety belt use is higher in states that enforce primary belt use laws. States with secondary belt use laws have a seat belt usage of 67% among CMV drivers while states with primary belt use laws have a usage rate of 78%. Further, the FMCSA 2009 Safety Belt Usage by Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Drivers Survey found that seat belt use among drivers and occupants with national or regional fleets is higher than the rates among independent owner-operators.
According to the FMCSA 2009 Safety Belt Usage by Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Drivers Survey, there are also regional differences in the way seat belts are used. The survey found that commercial drivers and passengers were most likely to wear seat belts in the West, where usage rates were 79%, compared with just 64% in the Northeast. Southern states had a 75% usage rate while the Midwest had a 68% rate.
Safety belt use is a major concern for the FMCSA. The organization hosts contests and encourages awareness programs to ensure that drivers buckle up. In many cases, seat belt use can help prevent a fatal Florida truck accident. Without a seat belt, a driver in an accident can be thrown from the vehicle or may be tossed about inside the truck. Without a seat belt, these injuries are likely to result in serious Florida brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and potentially fatalities. Seat belts restrain the driver in the event of an accident and help to protect the driver from impact.
The FMCSA has faced a number of challenges over the years in trying to enforce seat belt use. There are many myths about seat belts among commercial drivers. For example, some drivers erroneously believe that in the event of a Florida truck rollover, a safety belt can prevent them from escaping the truck and can actually contribute to fatalities. Statistics have proven that it is not the case. The safest place for a truck driver in most accidents is in the cabin, securely fastened by a safety belt.
If you have been in a Florida truck accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group to discuss your case. The Flaxman Law Group is proud to serve the greater South Florida community, with offices in Miami, Homestead, and Hollywood. With thousands of cases successfully completed, the legal team at the Flaxman Law Group is dedicated, experienced, and compassionate. Call today to set up a free, no-risk consultation to discuss your case.