Why Finding the Cause of a Fort Lauderdale Car Crash Is Hard
If you have been in a traffic accident in Fort Lauderdale, determining the cause is important if you want to find out who the liable parties and need to decide whether you have a legal claim to seek compensation for your injuries and losses. Unfortunately, it can be challenging for most drivers to figure out the cause of their accident for a few reasons:
- Those at fault may try to hide their liability: Many Fort Lauderdale hit and run accidents, for example, are caused by motorists who have been drinking and driving or who have done something illegal and who run from the scene of the crime rather than reveal their activity. In other cases, a driver may try to divert blame or try to hide that they were distracted by their phone or were dangerously fatigued at the time of the accident.
- Some causes require professional investigation: Mechanical defects in a car may not be obvious to anyone but an experienced mechanic. Road design defects may only be apparent to an experienced engineer. Fort Lauderdale car accident injury claims attorneys often work with medical experts, accident reconstruction experts, investigators, and other professionals to uncover the causes of traffic crashes.
- A collision may leave few clues: In cases of distracted driving, there may be few clues at the accident site to help determine what caused an accident. Investigators may need to examine any photos of the site and examine the drivers involved to discover what happened.
- There may be multiple causes: Even in situations where the cause of a crash seems apparent, there may be more than one liable party and more than one cause. A drunk driver may at fault in an accident, for example, but bad road design and mechanical failure may have also played a role in the same collision. If there are multiple liable parties, it may be important for plaintiffs to pursue all potential liable parties to have the best chance at fair compensation.
- Few drivers are taught what to do after an accident: Driver’s education classes do not always teach drivers what to do in the event of an accident, and this can lead to mistakes which cause some evidence to be destroyed. After a collision, it is important to get contact information for any potential witnesses, to take multiple photos of the accident scene (including the surrounding area), to secure contact and insurance information from the other driver, and to write down as many details as possible. The more data is gathered at the scene, the more attorneys can use this data.
If you have been in a car collision in Fort Lauderdale, you might not know what caused your crash and injuries and may not be told by insurers what legal options you may have. You might not know whether you have a case. For this reason, you may wish to contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) as soon as possible after your collision for a free accident consultation with a Fort Lauderdale car accident attorney.